(function (moduleFactory) {
if(typeof exports === "object") {
module.exports = moduleFactory(require("lodash"));
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["lodash"], moduleFactory);
}(function (_) {
* @module handlebars%choice
* @description Helpers to provide pluralisation/inflection choices
* var Handlebars = require("handlebars");
* var Choice = require("handlebars.choice");
* Choice.registerHelpers(Handlebars);
* @returns {object} Choice instance
var Handlebars;
var locale = "default";
var choiceRegister = {};
* @method registerChoice
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.name Name of choice bundle
* @param {function} options.fn Choice function
* @param {string} [options.locale=default] Bundle’s locale
* @description Register a function to use for returning keywords
function registerChoice (options) {
options.locale = options.locale || locale;
choiceRegister[options.locale] = choiceRegister[options.locale] || {};
choiceRegister[options.locale][options.name] = options.fn;
* @method unregisterChoice
* @param {string} name Name of choice bundle
* @param {string} loc Bundle’s locale
* @description Remove a choice bundle from register
function unregisterChoice (name, loc) {
delete choiceRegister[loc][name];
* @method getPluralKeyword
* @param {number} num Variable to be converted to keyword
* @description Default method to return pluralisation keyword
* @return {string} keyword (zero|one|other)
var getPluralKeyword = function (num) {
var keyword;
if (num === 0) {
keyword = "zero";
} else if (num === 1) {
keyword = "one";
} else {
keyword = "other";
return keyword;
* @member getPluralKeywordOptions
* @prop {string} name=getPluralKeyword
* @prop {function} fn=getPluralKeyword
* @description Returns a keyword reflecting variable’s amount
var getPluralKeywordOptions = {
name: "getPluralKeyword",
fn: getPluralKeyword
* @method getBoolean
* @param {boolean} bool Variable to be converted to keyword
* @description Returns a keyword whether variable was true or not
* @return {string} keyword (true|false)
var getBoolean = function (bool) {
return bool === true ? "true" : "false";
getPluralKeywordOptions.locale = "en";
var ChoiceHelpers = function() {
* @template choose
* @block helper
* @description Outputs a choice matching the variable passed in
* {{#choose x}}
* {{#choice "a"}} A {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b"}} B {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}
* {{#choose x}}
* This gets output whaver the value of x
* {{#choice "a"}} A {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b"}} B {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}
* {{#choose x}}
* {{#choice "a"}} A {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b c d e"}} BCDE {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}
* {{#choose x}}
* {{#choice "a b c"}} ABC {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b d"}} BD {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "e"}} E {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}
* Numbers are processed as inflection keywords
* {{#choose x}}
* {{x}}
* {{#choice "zero other"}} ducks {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "one"}} duck {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}
* Booleans are processed as boolean keywords
* {{#choose x}}
* {{#choice "true"}} TRUE {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "false"}} FALSE {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}}
* Non-booleans can be forced to be processed as booleans
* {{#choose x type="boolean"}}
* {{#choice "true"}} TRUE {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "false"}} FALSE {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}}
* Alternative choosing functions can be passed in - the following three examples are functionally equivalent
* {{#choose fn x=x}}
* {{#choice "a"}} A {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b"}} B {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}}
* {{#choose x function=fn}}
* {{#choice "a"}} A {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b"}} B {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}}
* {{#choose x=x function=fn}}
* {{#choice "a"}} A {{/choice}}
* {{#choice "b"}} B {{/choice}}
* {{/choose}}
* Keyword choices can be provided as attributes rather than as nested choice helpers
* {{choose x foo="Option Foo" bar="Option Bar"}}
* Captured content provides fallback option if no attributes matched
* {{#choose x foo="Option Foo" bar="Option Bar"}} Fallback option {{/choose}}
Handlebars.registerHelper("choose", function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
options = args.pop();
var choiceOperationVar = args.shift();
var that = _.extend({}, this || {});
var choiceOperationType = options.hash && options.hash.type ? options.hash.type : undefined;
if (typeof choiceOperationVar === "function") {
that.helperChoice = choiceOperationVar(options.hash);
} else if (options.hash["function"]) {
var fn = options.hash["function"];
that.helperChoice = choiceOperationVar ? fn(choiceOperationVar, options.hash) : fn(options.hash);
} else if (typeof choiceOperationVar === "boolean" || choiceOperationType === "boolean") {
that.helperChoice = getBoolean(choiceOperationVar);
} else if (typeof choiceOperationVar === "number") {
var getPluralKeyword = choiceRegister[locale].getPluralKeyword || choiceRegister["default"].getPluralKeyword;
that.helperChoice = getPluralKeyword(choiceOperationVar);
} else {
that.helperChoice = choiceOperationVar;
var helperChoiceOption = options.hash[that.helperChoice];
var chosenStr = helperChoiceOption !== undefined ? helperChoiceOption : options.fn(that);
if (options.hash.trim !== false) {
chosenStr = chosenStr.replace(/^\s*(.*)/, "$1").replace(/(.*)\s*$/, "$1");
return chosenStr;
* @template choice
* @block helper
* @description Outputs a phrase using an i18n key
* @see template:choose
Handlebars.registerHelper("choice", function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
options = args.pop();
var choiceVar = args.shift();
if (!_.isArray(choiceVar)) {
choiceVar = choiceVar.split(" ");
return choiceVar.indexOf(this.helperChoice) !== -1 ? options.fn(this) : "";
var Choice = (function () {
var external = {
* @method locale
* @static
* @param {string} [loc] Locale to change to
* @description Get or set default locale used by Choice
* If called without loc parameter, returns locale
* If called with loc parameter, sets locale
* @returns {string} Choice’s locale
locale: function (loc) {
if (loc) {
locale = loc;
if (!choiceRegister[locale]) {
choiceRegister[locale] = {};
return locale;
* @method registerHelpers
* @static
* @param {object} hbars Handlebars instance
* @description Register Choice helpers with Handlebars
* - {@link template:choice}
* - {@link template:choose}
registerHelpers: function (hbars) {
Handlebars = hbars;
return external;
return Choice;